====== Episode 3: She's Probably with Hiscock ====== by: Paulo Mrs. Vane's daughter has just been caught in school punching a boy. Principal: Do you know why your here? Mrs. Vane's Daughter (VD): Yah, I beat the snot out of that boy. Principal: Now why did you do that VD: Because he kissed me. Principal: Do you have a lawyer. VD: No but my mama does. Principal: And what if that little boy decides to sue you would she mind lending you him. VD: I don't know maybe. Principal: So you don't mind if I call her and ask her about this. VD: Sure, shes probably with Hiscock right now. Principal: What!? how dare you say such things. VD: What????!!! It'll be perfect, you can a HOLD of them both with one call. ---- Next: [[s01:episode4|I Want Hiscock Now!]]